Sunday, May 17, 2009
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One of the major problems facing the world today is the growing number of refugees. The developed nations in the world should tackle this problem by taking in more refugees. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?
One problematic issue in the modern world is the increase in the amount of refugees, particularly in the developing world. A suggested solution is that the industrialised countries should accept these people as refugees. This may not, however, be the most effective way of dealing with this issue.
The argument in favour of developed nations accepting more refugees is relatively clear. These countries have a responsibility to the rest of the world to accept victims of natural disasters or war. This is a duty because if these people were not helped they might die if they stayed in their native land. For example, when there is an earthquake and homes and whole towns have been destroyed a poor country may not have the resources to help all the people affected.
There is of course another side to this argument and there are possible reasons why emigration from developing countries is not a complete solution. One such reason is that people who have suffered from natural disasters will want to return to their homes as quickly as possible and be with their families and relatives. This will be difficult if they have moved to another country. Another reason is that it is often more effective to help the victims in their own country as it can cause them more stress if they have to move to another country with a different language and strange customs. For example, it could be difficult for someone from Iraq to adapt to the English way of life and weather.
This is a complex issue with no easy solutions as there are good reasons why countries should or should not accept refugees. My personal view is that it is better for victims to remain in their own country and to receive aid there when possible. There may be circumstances, however, when this is not possible or not desirable.
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