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Sample IELTS essays

Sunday, May 17, 2009 Posted by Dominic

Sample essays

Click on the links below for sample IELTS essays

5 paragraph model
nuclear technology NEW

4 paragraph model
The internet UPDATED with video commentary
Space exploration
History and progress UPDATED with video commentary
Education - school curriculum UPDATED with video commentary

Points to note
in using the sample essays
  • Each essay follows the same basic 4 or 5 paragraph structure
  • How the introduction focuses on the question and introduces how the essay is going to be written
  • How each paragraph focuses on one main idea and expands it, using PEE (Point - Explain - Example)
  • How sentences within paragraphs are linked together using pronouns, linking words and repetition.
  • These essays are either argument based or opinion based

How to use the sample essays for vocabulary

One way to use these samples is to find vocabulary you can use for yourself. This vocabulary can be divided into:
topic vocabulary - specific vocabulary relating to the topic of the question
structural/organising vocabulary (eg "One point to note is..")

How to use the sample essays for essay structure

Another way to use these essays is to see how an IELTS essay is structured:
  • note how the introduction addresses the question and leads into the main body of the essay
  • identify the main point of each topic paragraph
  • note how the topic paragraphs link to each other (do they present similar or contrasting attitudes?)
  • note the functions of the conclusion: to summarise and/or present the answer to the question

How to use the sample essays for paragraph structure

Note how each paragraph focuses on one main idea and how that idea is expanded by the use of examples and reasons

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