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IELTS vocabulary - a brief introduction

Sunday, May 24, 2009 Posted by Dominic

Vocabulary is crucial for IELTS. Yes, you do need grammar, but equally you need a good range of vocabulary. The difficulty is that learning vocabulary takes time and it is important to note that there are definite techniques to learning vocabulary.

How to learn vocabulary
Vocabulary does not learn itself. To learn efficiently you need to adopt certain strategies. These will depend on your general circumstances, current language level and learning style. However, many students are unaware of the best procedures, to find out more go to How to learn vocabulary recommended

The general advice is "little but often". Learning vocabulary is best seen as a long-term project.

Key vocabulary areas for IELTS
The Academic Word List
These are the 550 words that appear most frequently in academic texts. You will need to be able to use these words for the exam.
Academic Word List - contains an introduction to the AWL with a video tutorial.

Task 1 writing vocabulary
Language to describe graphs
Cause and effect language

Essay vocabulary
IELTS essay vocabulary

Topic vocabulary
To do IELTS well, you need to master a range of vocabulary in the key topic areas commonly questioned in the exam.

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